We start the day before sunrise and we are preparing for the wedding session. We get ready, take a tripod and head towards the most beautiful places in Lagos.

Wedding shooting in Portugal, in Lagos

We make the first shots at sunrise on Praia do Camilo beach and rest on the cliffs of Ponta da Piedade.

The conditions for taking pictures were a bit hard. We had a lot of ideas for great frames, but we were a bit limited by  tripod positioning. It just couldn’t be placed anywhere. We lacked a photographer who could do much more than we did. Alternatively, a remote control that would release the camera shutter would help us a little. In the absence of it, I had to keep my dress and run up the stairs. However, this had pros, because most photos were natural thanks to this. Despite some problems, we are very happy that we were able to take some pictures. It’s a great souvenir and we wonderfully remember this session and the entire honeymoon.

Wedding shooting in Portugal Wedding shoot in Portugal Wedding shooting in Portugal Wedding shoot in Portugal Wedding shooting in Portugal Wedding shoot in Portugal Wedding shooting in Portugal Wedding shoot in Portugal Wedding shooting in Portugal Wedding shoot in Portugal Wedding shooting in Portugal Wedding shoot in Portugal Wedding shooting in Portugal Wedding shoot in Portugal Wedding shooting in Portugal Wedding shoot in Portugal Wedding shoot in Portugal Wedding shooting in Portugal Wedding shooting in Portugal Wedding shoot in Portugal

The shooting took a lot of time. 4 hours! The plan to take all the photos at sunrise wasn’t successful and some were unfortunately taken in bright light. The walk to the cliffs of Ponta da Piedade was not the fastest, because it’s hard to go quickly in a wedding dress. In addition, lots of people accosted us along the way. Some clapped, others smiled, congratulated … One lady gave us a ride on the way back to the apartment. Portuguese are very nice and open people.

Walk to Meia Praia beach

After returning we change, eat breakfast and leave. We are invisible to people again, no one smiles at us on the street anymore. But the ladies in the store remembered us and each time we came later, they smiled at us.

We pass a bit through the old town, because our goal is to cross the bridge at the Marina and then descend to the beach of Meia Praia.

Lagos, old town Lagos, old town Lagos, old town

The largest beach in Lagos- Meia Praia

We pass by Marina, train station, walk along the tracks for a while and finally go down to the beach. It’s hard for me to catch some frames here, because the only thing we see here are people, sand and water, which is a typical beach like in Poland. Only the sea is prettier and cleaner. I hide the camera and slowly walk along the ocean. We reach at a slow pace a place where there is no further passage – the headland with a small white and red lantern.

There is almost noone here, very rarely anyone passes by here. We sunbathe, take a bath and collect beautiful shells. Later I bring home the entire grid – smaller and larger. Bigger shells from Meia Praia beach, smaller (different) from other beaches we visit – Praia dos Estudantes and Praia do Pinhão. It’s best to collect them early in the morning – that’s when it’s a lot of them.

We also visit the mentioned earlier lighthouse. On the other side of the “lagoon” on the other head there is the second lighthouse – white and green.

Lagos, Meia Praia Lagos, Meia Praia Lagos, Meia Praia Lagos, Meia Praia Lagos, Meia Praia Lagos, Meia Praia Lagos, Meia Praia Lagos, Meia Praia Lagos, Meia Praia Lagos, Meia Praia Lagos, Meia Praia

We must go back because the sun is getting lower. Our shadows get longer over time.

Evening at the restaurant

After two hours of walking we reach the Camilo restaurant to eat something. Mega tired and hungry we learn on the spot that unfortunately there is no place for us, and there are still many people waiting in line. As a result we are forced to look for another restaurant, and make reservation in Camilo for the next day. Our sign up was for one of the last available dates so it was real luck that we were able to eat there two years ago. After that, we stop at a restaurant near our apartment. I order mussels for the first time in my life. Even tasty. Of course to drink – sangria.

Lagos, restaurant

And tomorrow is the last full day of our stay. We will go on a cruise.


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